An-Nur Learning Academy
Learn. Educate. GrowExpand your child’s learning by enrolling them in an academy filled with adventure! Kids learn reading, science, math, & much more!
General Info
Directors: Layla Diriye & Nadia Sheikh
Programs: Preschool & School Age
Quick Info
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About Us
An-Nur Learning Academy School age program helps develop children with activities focused on stem curriculums. our program helps children have a well-rounded learning experiences while receiving positive and nurturing care. We want to keep students engaged and learn so that they become their best with clubs such as:
Science Club
Technology Club
Robotic Club
Creative Arts & Literacy
Health & Fitness
Homework Club
An-Nur Learning Academy is a Female owned business centered on Love and care. We provide quality Child Care for all families in the community in a warm, nurturing, loving and educational environment.
At An-Nur Learning Academy, we believe in the value and uniqueness of each child we serve. Our childcare experience is designed to promote each child’s own individual social, emotional, physical and cognitive development.
All of our teachers are devoted to complete child care for children of all ages. You can rest easy knowing your child is in the best hands with us. To establish high-quality programs that support your child’s early development, we employ skilled, experienced, and dedicated staff. Each of them has a range of skills that gives kids an opportunity to try and discover new things, engage in games and sports, ask questions, get attention, and socialize with others. Like all the other professionals in their respective field, our educators acquire their skills through training and long years of service.
To our current and future parents, we know choosing child care is an important decision that should not be taken lightly. Safe and positive child care sets the stage for healthy growth and development. It takes time, patience and understanding of what to look for when selecting child care. You know the needs of your child and family. However, you may need assistance in matching those needs to available resources. Allow our dedicated staff in helping you find the best solution for your family, wether that is with us or another provider. Feel free to schedule a call or tour.
Our Mission & Vision
As caregivers and educators, our mission is to provide a safe and developmentally appropriate learning environment, which fosters a child’s natural desire to explore, discover, create, and become a lifelong learner. Our program is built around the concept that children are born ready to learn. As caregivers, we strive to create a learning environment that is safe, stimulating and encouraging.
Virtual TouR
7520 El Cajon Blvd. #106
San Diego, CA 92115
School Hours
M-F: 6am – 9:30pm
Weekends: Closed
Phone & Email
Our Faculty
We employ skilled, experienced, dedicated, and devoted staff professionals with the aim of providing the best experince possible for both parents and children.
After School programs
Years Established
Get In Touch
Location: 17520 El Cajon Blvd. #106
San Diego, CA 92115
Telephone: (858) 397-8951
School Hours: M-F: 6am – 9:30pm
Non-Discrimination Policy
An-Nur Learning Academy prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying in educational programs, activities, or employment on the basis of actual or perceived ancestry, age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, parental, pregnancy, family or marital status, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. An-Nur Learning Academy requires that school personnel take immediate steps to intervene when safe to do so when he or she witnesses an act of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying.